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【导读】华图甘肃教师招聘考试网同步华图教育发布: 2020甘肃教师招聘小学英语:如何用教育心理学理论武装英文写作(3), 详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【2022教师交流群】 ,更多资讯请关注甘肃华图微信公众号(gshtjy),甘肃教师招聘考试_教师资格证培训咨询电话:0931-8186071,新浪微博@甘肃华图,微信号:gshtjy420(点击查看全省咨询微信号)
从众效应(the bandwagon effect)
从众效应,也称乐队花车效应,是指当个体受到群体的影响(引导或施加的压力),会怀疑并改变自己的观点、判断和行为,朝着与群体大多数人一致的方向变化。也就是指:个体受到群体的影响而怀疑、改变自己的观点、判断和行为等,以和他人保持一致。也就是通常人们所说的"随大流"。乐队花车直接翻译自英文的bandwagon,也就是在花车大游行中搭载乐队的花车。参加者只要跳上了这台乐队花车,就能够轻松地享受游行中的音乐,又不用走路,也因此,英文中的“jumping on the bandwagon”(跳上乐队花车)就代表了“进入主流”。
People tend to conform to majority opinion, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as the “the bandwagon effect”.
1. 考证热(certificate craze)
At present, the "certificate craze" is sweeping college campuses. A rising number of undergraduate students have been crazy taking various exams and getting various certificates, such as Mandarin certificate, teaching certificate and tourist guider certificate, etc.. Admittedly, that is a forceful manifestation of the efforts made by college undergraduates for the increasingly competitive job market. But what can’t be neglected is the fact that many of them mayhave simply beensubject to the “bandwagon effect”. The reason why they are busy gaining certificates is just because other people are doing so, seldom giving any thought to their actual interests and needs.
(The certificate college students gained has become the legal barriers which flaunt the individual self-worth.)
2. 出国热、报班热、整容热(extra-curriculum tutorial classes craze)
Nowadays an increasing number of Chinese parents are rushing to send their kids abroad for study, partly enticed by the generally held opinion that western education is of superior quality to Chinese ones. However some parents are simply provoked by the fact that it is practiced by other parents are doing so,unwittingly influenced by bandwagon effect.
People’s tendency to jump into quick and more often wrong conclusion can sometimes be accounted for by the bandwagon effect.(quickly jump to the wrong conclusion draw by the media without doing any needed research;can be easily ledastray;can be mentally manipulated; weaken one’s ability to carry out independent thinking and reasoning;)
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