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2018甘肃教师招聘说课稿:初中Unit 6 I am watching TV

2018-05-28 17:45:52 教师招聘考试网> //gs.huatu.com/jiaoshi 关注公众号领资料   QQ备考群   APP看视频刷题     文章来源:甘肃华图教育


  【导读】华图甘肃教师招聘考试网同步甘肃华图教育发布: 2018甘肃教师招聘说课稿:初中Unit 6 I am watching TV, 详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【2022教师交流群】 ,更多资讯请关注甘肃华图微信公众号(gshtjy),甘肃教师招聘考试_教师资格证培训咨询电话:0931-8186071,新浪微博@甘肃华图,微信号:gshtjy420(点击查看全省咨询微信号)

  Good morning/ afternoon, dear judges!I'm very glad to be here to present my class today. I'm number X candidate applying for the English teacher of the secondary school. And my topic today is Unit 6 I'm watching TV. In order to make my presentation much clearer, I'm going to divide it into 6 sections, that is, the analysis of teaching materials, analysis of students, teaching methods, learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.

  Part One: Analysis of Teaching Material

  The first and foremost is the analysis of the teaching materials. Today's lesson is the section A of Unit 6 in book 2, published by People's Education Press. Its main theme is talking about what people are doing, which is closely related to our daily life. Actually they all have had such experience to use language to describe what people are doing, so this lesson will be quite useful to students' daily life.

  With reference to the Curriculum Standard,I have set the following three objectives:

  Knowledge and skill objective:

  Students can understand, readandwritethenewwords and expressions. Forexample:newspaper, read a newspaper, soup, make soup, use, use a computer and so on. And they can understand and use the form of present progressive tense.

  Process and method objective:

  By descripting pictures, students will be able to report what people are doing. Through the communication between the teacher and students, students’ listening and speaking skills will be improved.

  Emotion, attitude and value objective:

  Students will be guided to observe things around them and discover the beauty in their life.

  Based on the teaching objectivesmentioned above/Given the teaching materials and the students' characteristics,teaching important points includes key words and phrases of the lesson and the form of the present progressive tense. And the teaching difficult point is how to help students put the form into actual use.

  Part Two: Analysis of the students

  OK, let's turn to the analysis of students. Students of Grade 7 have studied English for at least 4 years and grasped a certain amount of English knowledge. They are eager to show, eager to learn. They can cooperate with their classmates to finish a task. On the other hand, students' ability of using English is limited; their abstract thinking is not fully developed and they can be easily distracted. Therefore, all of these shall be taken into consideration into today's teaching.

  Part Three: Teaching Methods

  According to the analysis of teaching materials and students, I'm going to arrange my lesson by mainly adopting the task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and situational approach.Because modern foreign language teaching emphasizes that ss should be encouraged to develop effective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means of experiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating under the teacher’s guidance. While task-based language teaching and communicative approach can let ss have opportunities to experience different ways of language study.

  Part Four: Learning Methods

  After referring to the students’physical and physiological characteristics, under the guidanceof the teacher, students will acquire the English knowledge and to improve their English skills by autonomic learning, cooperating, exploring, etc. Because modern foreign language teaching emphasizes that ss should be encouraged to develop effective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means of experiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating

  Part Five: Teaching Procedures

  OK, so much for the teaching and learning methods. And the next one is the most important part of today, the teaching procedures, which will be demonstrated in the following steps:

  Step 1: Lead-in

  Ask students what their hobby is. Then play a guessing game to lead in new lesson.

  The teacher prepared three cards: The first card: draw a banana and an apple

  The second card: dance (Jiangnan style)

  The third card: play the guitar

  Then the teacher will ask three students to act the content on the cards out.

  Purpose:Playing the guessing game can make the class active and review the phrases we’ve learned. What’s more, it can lead in the new lesson naturally.

  Step 2: Presentation

  Firstly: Present the new words and phrases by looking at pictures. During this time, students will be asked to pay attention to the pronunciation to the new words and phrases.

  Secondly: By using the pictures in 1a, present the target languages using the Present Progressive Tense. Teacher gives the students two examples:

  -------What’s he doing in picture a?----- He is talking on the phone.

  ------What’s she doing in picture b?----- She is making soup.

  Let students follow the examples to practice the rest pictures in pairs.

  Purpose: By showing pictures to present the new words and phrase and present the sentence pattern by talking about topic closely related to our daily life, students’ learning interest will be aroused.

  Step 3: Practice

  Activity 1: Students will be required to match the pictures in 1a.

  Activity 2: Listen to the tape, finish the exercise in 1b.

  Activity 3: Students will be asked to work in pairs to use the sentence pattern to describe pictures in 1a.

  Purpose: Different activities can help students to improve their listening and speaking skills, and their cooperative ability can be enhanced.

  Step 4: Consolidation

  Task 1: Students will be asked to make a new dialogue according to the pictures on their hands.

  Task 2: Students will be required to work in groups, one act, the others guess. The more the groups who guess the actions right, the more likely it will be the winner.

  Purpose: The task-based language teaching methods are adopted in this step. Through completing these tasks, students; comprehensive ability of language learning will be improved.

  Step Five: Summary

  In this step, students will be asked what they have learnt in this class, and the teacher will make supplement if necessary.

  Then teacher will ask the students to form good habits and cultivate some hobbies to live a happy life.

  Purpose: By summarizing the content of the class, students can get a main idea about the content of this class in the end, besides, the emotional objective will be achieved in this step.


  After giving the lesson, students will be required to describe a picture to their parents what people are doing in the picture.

  Part Six: Design of the blackboard

  Last but not the least is the blackboard design. As you can see, I have mainly used the table to activate the language points so that students will grasp them better and use them in the actual life.

  Unit 6 I amwatchingTV.

  talk onthe phone ------ What areyou doing?

  read anewspaper ------ IamwatchingTV.

  make soup --- ---Whatis he/she doing?

  wash the dishes------- He/Sheisusing the computer.

  use the computer ------- What arethey doing?

  listen to a CD ------ They are listeningto a CD.

  Purpose: The blackboard will beconcluded the new phrases and sentence pattern of this lesson. This is exactly what the knowledge objective need to be achieved. By looking at the blackboard, it is helpful for the students to get the main content of this lesson clearly and quickly.

  OK, so much for my presentation today, thanks for your listening.







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